Monday, October 17, 2016

Why Yoga is for You!

The biggest reason people hold themselves back from practicing Yoga is because they feel like they can't exercise, or they hate the thought of any physical activity. I used to be the same way! The thought of getting out of my bed to go to a smelly gym was exhausting enough for me. This soon led to me feeling worthless because I could never lose the weight I wanted to. It was always a constant battle within myself. Yoga really changed my outlook on all of this. It made exercising fun because I didn't feel like I was exercising. It was a way for me to relax and let out all of the steam that had been building up from school, work, and family problems. It made me feel like I was really accomplishing something the more flexible I got, and the healthier I felt. Yoga helped me in all aspects of my life; from feeling happy and connected to my inner self, promoting a healthier way of living, and overall becoming the person I had struggled so hard to be, beforehand.

I have come a long way, but I still have a long journey ahead of me. Yoga is made for everyone, and that is the biggest reason I'm so in love with it. Whether you are nine years old or ninety-nine, and regardless of your physical state: there is something for you in the practices of yoga. If you are looking for happiness, weight loss, or just a sense of clarity in this crazy world we live in, Yoga could be your perfect outlet. Disabled World stated, "It can improve flexibility, strength, balance, and stamina. In addition, many people who practice yoga say that it reduces anxiety and stress, improves mental clarity, and even helps them sleep better."

Don't let insecurities hold you back from reaching your full potential, Yoga alone could help you overcome all these doubts you may be having. Jen Givler gave some excellent advice when she stated,"Yoga is different than any other physical exercise out there. At first, you’re going to feel awkward, and out of touch. But, the amount of support, confidence, and energy you will receive is beyond measure – and so worth a little discomfort in the beginning." If you don't ever try to break out of your comfort zone, you are only holding yourself back from greatness.

In my opinion, Yoga is the best and the only way to connect your body, mind, and spirit while achieving so many other great things at once. It is an excellent way to meet people, and it gives you a great way to have a sense of accomplishment regardless of your physical state. It makes you feel rejuvenated while uplifting your personal spirituality. Finally, it can clear out the negativity that has always consumed you before. It can ease your anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses that you could never seem to fight on your own.

Works Cited:
"Disability Yoga: Exercises for Disabled & Seniors." Date accessed:Ocotber 17, 2016.

"Yoga Is for Everyone (Even If You're Not Perfect!" April 11, 2012. Date accessed:October 17,2016.

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