Monday, October 10, 2016

Physical Aspect of Yoga

Now that you've got the right mindset it's time to start learning about and practicing the physical side of yoga meditation. You can use these practices for so many reasons, such as; trying to lose weight, maintain weight, building muscle or toning, getting your lungs in shape, or simply just blowing off some steam from a long day. Personally, I like practicing yoga because I am a server and carrying heavy trays and being on my feet all day really affects my back. I focus on positions that help to strengthen my back and ones that help me keep my balance.

The best thing about yoga is, it doesn't matter if you're old, entirely out of shape, or an Olympic athlete, you start where you are capable. There are positions where you stay sitting down, or laying down if you are unable to do strenuous activity. There are also positions that can make you start pouring sweat if exercising is something you love to do, and can do so easily. Even if you feel like you don't particularly need any help with your physical appearance, everybody builds up tension in their body throughout the day and it needs to be let out. "Due to muscular and physical stress, a state of imbalance occurs, which becomes the cause of different aches and pains, psychosomatic and somatopsychic disorders, where the harmony of the body is distorted. This imbalance creates a definite distortion in the functioning of the internal organs and systems. The digestive system is affected without a doubt, unless we have a very powerful digestive tract." (

The most important thing to remember while performing Yoga positions is to breathe! "Pranayama is the formal practice of controlling the breath, which is the source of our prana, or vital life force," stated online by the Yoga Journal. If you are struggling with this part of yoga meditation, as I did at first, there are actually specific poses that only focus on breathing. I recommend learning these first because healthy breathing will bring in more oxygen for you muscles to grow with, it also helps your lungs keep up with all this exercise.

Another reason I love Yoga is because not only is it super fun and does not feel like a typical workout that drags on forever like torture, but you can do it anywhere! All you need is a quiet and calm place and your favorite mat. You could take a hike and practice in the middle of some tall pine trees while getting your daily dose of mother nature. If that isn't your forte, you could easily practice in the comfort of your own home without ever having to leave your cat, or put real pants on. In the technology age we live in now, you can learn poses from not only books, but by googling anything you wish to focus on. There are even apps, such as Asana Rebel, and videos on youtube that you could very simply follow along with for any expertise level. If excersising has never been fun for you but you want to get in shape, Yoga is proably the best thing for you.

Works Cited:

Dr. Khanna, Rita. "Yoga and its Three Aspects."

"Pranayama Poses and Exercises."

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