Monday, September 26, 2016

What exactly is Yoga Meditation?

          Have you ever felt like something has been missing from your life, and no matter how many physical possessions you have or emotional relationships you form, there is nothing that can fill it? You might be missing the most important thing you could possibly give yourself; personal happiness. Many things can give you temporary happiness in life, but true happiness is something much deeper than that. It is being fully satisfied and content with yourself, and your life.  The practice of yoga meditation is a whole body experience promoting proven health benefits, mindful thinking, and a sense of spiritual oneness.

          Yoga is modernly seen more as just a series of movements, or a way to exercise. That can be true, but more importantly , it is also a form of meditation, which comes with enhancements in every aspect of a person's life. The word "yoga" has been translated from the philosophical language of Hinduism; which was originally called "yuj". "Yuj"; literally meaning yolk, or nowadays we're more familiar with terms like "unite" or "join". Yoga meditation is a way to unite your mind, body, and soul into one positively, flowing energy wheel.

Works Cited:

Liebert, Mary Ann. "Effect of Sahaja Meditation on the Quality of Life, Anxiety, and Blood Pressure Control." The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Volume 18, Issue Number 6, 2012, pp. 589-596.

Sturgess,Stephen. Yoga Meditation. New York: Watkins Publishing, 2014.